(A Process for Calling Leaders)

We believe that our shared leadership journey can be life-changing, particularly if we open ourselves to growth and transformation in community. This takes courage and some risk, but we firmly believe the journey is worth it!

Here are some things you should know
about the journey of RISE Leadership:

Life can be very full and demanding, and we want to extend grace and support to our leaders so that they can extend grace and love to others. We need leaders who are focusing on their wholeness and wellness, because our community will reflect the health and well-being of its leaders. So, we will emphasize practices that lead to wellness and growth of all leaders. This may include (but isn’t limited to):

  • regularly scheduled meetings

  • a focus on regular soulful practices

  • ongoing mentoring relationships

  • honest and transparent conversations with other leaders

  • retreats

We understand that you likely have a lot going on in your life. While we don’t want to be your “only thing,” we do want to be one of your top priorities.

We’re trying to be honest here - leadership at RISE is a commitment! And the level of expectation for this commitment will differ depending on the leadership team on which you serve (e.g. Core Leadership Team v. one of the Ministry Focus Teams). BUT - and this is a big but here - we will do our best to surround our leaders with grace and support.

No leader is ever totally “ready” for the journey of leadership.

We become skilled leaders by leading (how else are you supposed to learn)? Mistakes will be made along the way and that’s ok (we learn and grow from our mistakes). So if you’re thinking, “I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” don’t worry.  If you’ll commit to showing up and communicating with us along the way, we’ll commit to offering support and grace.

We’re a bit biased, but we think that RISE leadership comes with some pretty great side effects. Side effects of RISE leadership may include (but are not limited to):

  • meaningful and authentic relationships with other leaders and RISE folks

  • lots of laughter and joy

  • support and wisdom from mentors

  • learning some important skills for adulting, coping, leadership and life, and spiritual growth (the kind of growth that comes with asking questions, thinking and stuff)


If this still sounds like something in which you would be interested,
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